1992 Night Passage
Hot, Red, Cold, Vibrant
1991 Lipstick (ballet)
1990 Hammer Music
1989 Fantasie of a Sudden Turtle
Symphony No.1 Castles in the Air
1988 An Unavoidable Obsession
Waves of Talya
1987 My Friend Mozart
Ebullient Shadows
Deep Flight
1986 Cross Scintillations
Before Infrared
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Partita in E (2007)
First Performance

October 23, 2009 Cihat Askin, Amy Salsgiver
Istanbul Modern Music Ensemble
Istanbul, Turkey


violin, percussion




Partita in E

Program Notes

Partita in E is commissioned by Cihat Askin, my friend and one of Turkey's foremost violinists. I wanted to bring together the spiritual qualities of violin's past from purified, deep qualities of Bach, to the percussion's spiritual, raw, percussive qualities with Turkish folk and Ottoman court music, in an obsessive, hypnotic journey. 

Press Quote