1992 Night Passage
Hot, Red, Cold, Vibrant
1991 Lipstick (ballet)
1990 Hammer Music
1989 Fantasie of a Sudden Turtle
Symphony No.1 Castles in the Air
1988 An Unavoidable Obsession
Waves of Talya
1987 My Friend Mozart
Ebullient Shadows
Deep Flight
1986 Cross Scintillations
Before Infrared
< later   > earlier
Music for a Lost Earth (2007)
First Performance

March 18, 2007 Istanbul Modern Music Ensemble
Cihat Askin, solo violin Kamran Ince, conductor and piano
Divertimento Concert Series
Istanbul, Turkey


solo violin, fl., bass cl., perc., hrp, pi., vln., vla., vlc., dbass.




To open wIth

To say why with

To be passsionate with

To remember with

To feel something with, a la Radiohead

To contemplate with

To close with

Program Notes

Usually when I compose I will filter everything through my critical process, ask where it all fits in the vast world of music out there. I typically will also limit myself with a few ideas in each composition. In the this work I wanted to get rid of the filter and welcome the numerous ideas that came to me during the creative process (like Jelaleddin Rumi said “come to me, whomever you are..”). This also meant all aesthetically different musical ideas were to be welcomed: serious, light, pop-like, folk-like, spiritual, deep, shallow, grand, old, new.. I created seventeen movements ranging between 2 to 6 minutes for solo violin and a group of nine players. My ultimate goal in creating this project was to experience the outside of the boundaries we create for ourselves, look at it differently, blur the lines and to see what fresh may be possible in doing this. The movements are 1- to open with 2- to say "why?" with 3- to float with 4- to wander with 5- to be passionate with 6- to contemplate with 7- to be happy with 8- to say "why?", with a round on me 9- to be passionate without 10- to feel something with (a la Radiohead) 11- to be happy without 12- to remember with 13- to be sorry with 14- to play with 15- to say "why?" with, again 16- to float with, but seriously 17- to close with